I'm Emma Dupont, the Founder of The Emma Dupont School of Etiquette. I would like to take this opportunity to tell you a little more about myself and my journey to becoming a Certified Etiquette Coach.

When deciding whether to invest in your personal development, I understand that cost isn't the only factor when determining whether a training course is a good fit to help you achieve your goals.

It's also dependent on whether I am the right coach for you. In fact, I think it's the most crucial element!


I am British-born and bred, and I grew up in the county of Gloucestershire. Upon completing my finance exams in 2002, I moved to London, where I practiced as a Financial Adviser in the City of London.

During the last five years of this career, my clients comprised many nationalities. As our long-term professional relationship deepened, I learnt about their frustrations surrounding understanding British culture and their need for British etiquette lessons.

Due to cultural differences, they were eager to learn how to integrate into British society. Some were even suffering from social anxiety, and this knowledge led me to take a keen interest in etiquette, international protocol, and how gaining knowledge through etiquette courses and implementing the skills could significantly influence confidence and success.

Subsequently, I decided to embark on a career change; I trained with The English Manner and gained my Etiquette Coach Certification in 2014.



Following my certification, I was fortunate to spend a further three years working with the team at The English Manner. I learned from their world-class coaches, William Hanson and Diana Mather, and also had the opportunity to represent them in China. I delivered several business etiquette courses to graduates in Shanghai and Beijing in 2016 and trained employees at the luxury brand Fendi at their head office in Italy in 2017.

Once I had become an expert in my field, I delivered their extensive Train the Trainer certification courses to their clients in London.

I have been coaching and mentoring ladies through my own etiquette school in London since 2017, helping international women integrate into British Society, build relationships, and communicate with British people, along with British ladies wishing to improve their confidence by increasing their interpersonal skills.

Through my online and in-person courses, I have taught over 500 women from 48 countries helping them to gain confidence, elegance, and poise. I feel incredibly privileged to have mentored such inspiring women. As a result, I have extensive experience with various cross-cultural diversities.

So, now you know about my experience you can decide if we are a good fit; if so, I look forward to supporting you further on your journey.

Isabel, March 2021

"I have learnt so much from your courses, it is difficult to put it into words. You have given me the self-confidence I needed to go out into the world of work and be confident.

Luckily, I have your videos to watch over and over again. But what I value most is your human qualities and how nice and kind you have always been to me."

Wendy, August 2022

"With Emma Dupont at the helm of the Emma Dupont School of Etiquette, you won’t be disappointed when it comes to learning formal dining, fashion, and entertaining rules.

I have been delighted over and over again with her fun and simple teachings. I love her sunny disposition, elegance, beauty, and charm. She has proven to be my perfect teacher."